

We are adding Adah to our breeding program

can't wait to see her puppies

Adah is a Cream Parti, very beautiful, she has a mega coat.

Adah weighs 12.4 pounds 

Adah is amazing, very eager to learn and please. She loves people and gets along with the other dogs great. Adah has a very calm personality, but is also confident in every thinking she does. Adah would snuggle as long as you will let her. She was a breeze to potty train and crate train. Adah has her obedience training and loves to walk on a lease. Adah and Delila are best dog friends. We can't wait to see her upcoming puppies! Adah is a wonderful addition to our breeding program.

Adah was the cutest baby girl

We take pride in our puppies we produce and guarantee the best health possible!

All of our puppies come with a heath checks from our certified veterinarian.

All puppies-dogs come with their updated vaccinations done by our licensed veterinarian and dewormed.

Tails docked no later than 3 days after born!

We also have a care package and care information that goes home with each puppy.

 Our Schnauzers are bred in health, demeanor, trainability and conformation.

We handle our puppies ever day it makes them healthier, then puppies left by their self in crates all day!! :/

We don't recommend special dog foods and or vitamins to get our guarantee!

We do recommend Pro Plan puppy and adult dog foods! We feed Pro Plan here at our kennel and have beautiful coats and healthy puppies and adult dogs.

Read about our guarantee on our health guarantee page!

Please contact for more information 


Miniature Schnauzer breeders

Juel Benson All Rights Reserved Copyright 2021